We regenerate degraded pastures in partnership with family farmers by planting the macaúba, a Brazilian palm tree that produces sustainable vegetable oils.


What we do


Em parceria com agricultores familiares, realizamos o plantio da macaúba em sistemas consorciados com lavouras e pastagens para diversificar a produção e aumentar a produtividade das fazendas de maneira sustentável...


Promovemos o extrativismo da macaúba nativa por meio meio da compra do coco macaúba coletado de palmeiras nativas por extrativistas locais. O coco é destinado para o processamento na fábrica e também para a produção de mudas, quando a coleta é feita de forma selecionada.


Da macaúba se extraem dois tipos de óleo vegetal (óleos da polpa e da amêndoa), dois tipos de torta de prensagem (tortas da polpa e da amêndoa) e o endocarpo. Cada um dos produtos possui diferentes aplicabilidades na indústria. Além disso, temos o carbono sequestrado por meio dos plantios consorciados.


From macaúba are extracted two types of vegetable oil (pulp and kernel oils), two types of presscakes (pulp and kernel presscakes) and the endocarp. Each product has different applicability in the industry.


INOCAS promotes the extraction of native macaúba palm fruits, advises on the organic certification of native macaúba, and assists extractivists in accessing the benefits of the Minimum Price Guarantee Policy for Sociobiodiversity Products (PGPM-Bio).


In partnership with smallholder farmers, INOCAS performs macaúba planting in systems intercropped with crops and pastures to diversify production and increase farm productivity in a sustainable manner.

Produção de mudas

Produzimos as mudas de macaúba seguindo critérios de seleção genética e protocolo de germinação da Universidade Federal de Viçosa. A extração das sementes é feita em parceria com a APAC, instituição parceira do sistema de justiça que promove a custódia de pessoas presas de forma digna e visando a reintegração social.

Germination Laboratory

We carried out the collection of selected fruits for the germination of macauba seeds in our own laboratory, using a protocol from the Federal University of Viçosa for the production of seedlings.

Commitment for Sustainability


of macaúba planted in agroforestry systems (AFS) or crop-livestock-forest integration (CLFI) in degraded pasture areas.

Partner farmer

with macauba palm planting under agricultural partnership or promoted farmer, mostly involving family farmers.


rural producers who have macaúba in the form of leasing, mostly consisting of family farmers.

People in resocialization

people from the prison system who were supported in their resocialization journey through employment in macaúba seed production.

Ecological corridors

under development. The corridors are connections between previously isolated areas of APP (Permanent Preservation Area) or RL (Legal Reserve), now connected through macaúba plantations.

Tons of CO2e

that were captured. Based on the Imaflora study of 2020.


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If you would like to make a suggestion, compliment or request more information about our projects, please contact us through this Contact Us or through our social medias:

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Contact: +55 (34) 3814-8638

Monday to Friday - 8h às 18h

R. Dores do Indaiá, 166, Centro, Patos de Minas-MG CEP: 38.700-140