The Macaúba Project seeks to promote the development of the macaúba production chain as a source of sustainable vegetable oil and thereby increase food production (human and animal), as well as generate inputs for the manufacture of cosmetics, chemicals and biofuels, replacing transgenics and other exclusive and degrading crops.



ton of CO2e being sequestered from the 933,750 ton predicted in 20 years of planting.

Economic Impact: With more than 50 million hectares of Cerrado grassland suitable for silvopastoral systems, the long-term potential of macauba in Brazil far exceeds the current worldwide production of palm oil. This potential can be turned into reality by leveraging this innovative macaúba reforestation method – as opposed to deforestation for monocultures.



out of 340 smallholder farmers and their families involved in macaúba planting and wild collection.

Social impact: increased income and diversification of production for smallholder farmers and seasonal harvest workers. In planting, INOCAS supports the improvement of pastures and guarantees the purchase of fruits. In wild collection, the project promotes support in good practices of extractivism and access to public policies, in addition to ensuring the purchase of the collected fruits.



of 2,475 hectares of macaúba planted by 2022.

Environmental impact: Generation of positive environmental effects, such as protecting forests and increasing biodiversity by providing food for native fauna. In addition, the Project contributes to water conservation and local climate regulation, carbon sequestration and the maintenance of soil fertility.



of 125 ecological corridors in 2,475 hectares of macauba planting.

The Macaúba Project generates positive environmental effects, such as protecting forests and increasing biodiversity through the generation of ecological corridors that join forest fragments and allowing the movement of animals, in addition to providing food for native fauna.


Project: income increase for 100 smallholder farmers and their families and income increase for 300 extractivists per year.
Potential: increase the income of all smallholder farmers in the Brazilian Cerrado that have degraded pastures and increase the income of all macaúba extractivists every year.

Project: to ensure sustainable production systems through the planting and native harvest of macaúba in the Alto Paranaíba and Northwest of MG.
Potential: to ensure sustainable production systems through the planting and native harvest of macaúba throughout Brazil.

Project: use of macaúba oil for biofuel manufacture and increase of clean energy source in Brazil.
Potential: To become the main source of biofuels in Brazil.

Project: Support to 400 families in obtaining the necessary documentation to access public policies for rural development.
Potential: to establish a modern industrial and market chain of macaúba in Brazil.

Project: Construction of a 6,000 kg / h model macaúba coconut processing plant.
Potential: to promote the construction of different industrial centers of macaúba in the Brazilian cerrado.

Project: income increase for 100 smallholder farmers and their families and for 300 extractivists per year.
Potential: increase the income of all smallholder farmers in the Brazilian Cerrado that have degraded pastures and of all macaúba extractivists every year.

Project: sequestration of 600,000 tons of CO².
Potential: sequestration of 5 billion tons of CO².

Project: Reforestation and recovery of 2,000 hectares of Cerrado pastures.
Potential: Reforestation and recovery of 16,000,000 hectares of Cerrado pastures.

Project and potential: Develop new technologies and patents on the industrial process of macaúba.