Reporting Channel

Reporting Channel

To access our Reporting Channel and our Integrity Portal, click on the buttons below:

INOCAS values ​​transparency, integrity and responsibility in its relationship with its public, acting in strict accordance with current standards and legislation. With the aim of strengthening practices, policies and procedures appropriate to the declared ethical principles, INOCAS encourages its employees, partners and customers to speak out about their concerns in an open and direct manner. Access our Corporate Integrity and Compliance Portal, where you can access documents, corporate policies and monitor complaints.

Our Reporting Channel is a safe and independent communication tool to report situations that are or appear to be unethical, such as cases of harassment, corruption, any type of discrimination, among others, any act or action that involves non-compliance with commitments of the company and the law. The Reporting Channel is an exclusive platform formulated by Code of Conduct, an independent and specialized outsourced company, with the aim of guaranteeing absolute secrecy and confidentiality in the receipt and processing of reports. The tool is accessible from any electronic device, cell phones, tablets, desktops or notebooks.